Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Showers of blessings.....

well, I am back and soon too......coz i just realised that i ve been blessed by the showers of blessings.....

As things have turned out to be, I take long showers now.....like I used to do in India after a jog every saturday last summer. But that is where the similarity ends, in india the cold showers served to energise me, wipe all the sweat and dust and petrol n diesel n LPG(or is it CNG, hell PCRA will kill me)......and it was the shower of a stupid immature boy in distress crying for help.

NOw, here in France is a totally different shower.....its a warm shower acting as a natural therapeutic agent,relaxing my muscles, putting off the cold on my throat in the morning, keeping my mind at a moderate and normal temperature which allows me to think properly.....it speaks, it heals!!

But i was talking about the shower right. So every morning i wake up and say my prayer in bed(which hasnt changed for a long long time, i sumtimes forget saying it, but then i compensate for it by repeating it in the night), then i put on my slippers and enter the shower immediately after i m done with the loo n stuff..... its a standard drill, i take my towel and my undies, my body soap, the baby oil(for the dry skin), the shampoo(for the non-existent hair, but it just keeps the dandruff at bay)...;the undies are always the same place, the towel hasnt been washed off for ages.....the sameness of the routine baffles me, and then i think about it in the shower!!

infact there r dozens of things u can do in a shower....;but i think, i dont shag, i dont move around shaking my belly assuming i m dancing with julia roberts, i dont sit n cry, i dont smoke, i dont dream, i dont wish or hope or pray, i dont sing or try any of those activities which i cant do generally....;i do what i do most of the time, think!!! I excerise the gray matter, which , together with the warm water pouring slowly on my head, acts as a much needed relaxant......the good thoughts come in, the bad thoughts go away!!

Every day in the shower, i think about my future, my ambitions, my aims, my parents, my friends, my loved ones...;i think about me....its a small universe in a petit cubicle 2 feet by 2 feet.......;its MY universe.

Everyday, my ambitions change, my aims change, my thoughts, feelings, emotions change. They change with me, they change as I change......they change with this changing world....small, insignificant changes, but nevertheless, this change is the only constant thing in my life.....and the water slowly washes the sameness away.

The sameness returns to hunt me the entire day...the same classes, the same yawns, the same fears, the same thoughts, the same phone calls, ...infact it begins as soon as i am wiping myself when I feel my body....I feel the thin hand, the non-existent chest muscles, the same body which i have nurtured and cared for for 19.5 years, and which hasnt changed from as far as I can remember.....The same body holding the same mind which thinks the same things, craves for the same desires ever since I ve noticed its cravings.....

The sameness returns!!!

There shall be showers of blessings,
showers of blessings we need,
Now as to God we're confessing,
Now as to Jesus we plead..........