Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Of football and italian victories

Well to be very honest, I dont have much interest in football. I don't even know how long is the break between the two halves! I dont know the meaning of 'additional time' and so on. But well, i had to see this match yesterday.

So, I had just carried all my stuff to my new home. Isabelle had aske d me to join her in the little party which was being thrown by the Italians for the football match. I said, "Why not"! And the rest, as they say, is history.

Ah....it was difficult. I knew nobody there..and there were italian hooters all around me. Trust me, i dozed off atleast thrice during the match. But it wll still go down as the first complete football match i saw-all 90 minutes of it. I have played football at a stretch for more than 90 minutes but have never seen a match.

I dozed off a little in the middle...but did enough hooting to deserve my petite verre of Champagne after the match.

Night was fun. I couldn't sleep. I found Prateep's CD collection. There are some great indian oldies. I saw more than half of Koshish and almost cried at the beauty of the movie. Then saw Mona lisa smile. Have lots of things to say about that...juss wait!!


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